Research Article
Performance Evaluation and Adaptability of Improved Faba Bean (Vicia Faba L.) Varieties in the Highlands of North Shewa Zone, Oromia
Abreham Feyisa Bedada*
Gashaw Sefara Bedada,
Name Kinati Firisa
Volume 12, Issue 2, April 2024
19 February 2024
12 March 2024
2 April 2024
Abstract: Field experiment was conducted at Degam, H/Abote, D/Libanos, Jida and Wachale districts of North Shewa Zone, Oromia region, Central Ethiopia with the objectives of evaluating adaptable and best yield performing improved Faba bean varieties for further demonstration and scaling up during the main cropping season of 2020, 2021 and 2022. The experiment was conducted using randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. In the experiment, thirteen improved faba bean varieties and one local control were used to evaluate their performance. Parameters like seed yield (qt/ha), 1000 seed weight in gram, number of pod per plant, number of seed per pod, plant height (cm) were measured to assess the actual field performances of different faba bean varieties. The data were analyzed by R software. Grain yield and most of yield components were significantly affected by main effect of variety, environment and interaction of variety and environment. The results revealed that there were significant (P < 0.01) variations between the varieties for yield. Higher yield was recorded on Welki and Ashebeka varieties while low yield was recorded from Tosha and Shalo. In addition the stability analysis indicated that as the mean of grain yield is more stable across locations as compared to other variety. Also, in this study it was found that there is 24.5 % and 19.1% increment of yield using of Welki and Ashebeka variety respectively as compared to local variety at the study area. Therefore, farmers located at the study area are recommended to use those varieties to increase faba bean production yield.
Abstract: Field experiment was conducted at Degam, H/Abote, D/Libanos, Jida and Wachale districts of North Shewa Zone, Oromia region, Central Ethiopia with the objectives of evaluating adaptable and best yield performing improved Faba bean varieties for further demonstration and scaling up during the main cropping season of 2020, 2021 and 2022. The experimen...
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Research Article
Robust Analysis of the Influencing Factors for Hospitalization Costs of Senile Cataracts Patients in Chengdu Considering Different Types of Insurance
Haitao Tian*
Tianjun Li,
Shiqi Lu
Volume 12, Issue 2, April 2024
12 March 2024
3 April 2024
12 April 2024
Abstract: Chengdu is one of the earliest pilot cities for urban-rural basic medical insurance integration in China. This study aimed to analyze the influencing factors of hospitalization costs of senile cataract in a tertiary hospital in Chengdu by robust method, especially considering the influence of medical insurance type. A total of 1310 discharged patients from a tertiary hospital from January 2020 to June 2021 who were mainly diagnosed with senile cataracts were selected as the research subjects. Kruskal-Wallis H test and Spearman correlation analysis are used to conduct univariate statistical analysis. The robust multivariate linear regression model and a semi-parametric multivariate regression model are established to obtain the influencing factors for their hospitalization costs. The robust multivariate regression model results show that reimbursement ratio, number of surgeries, type of medical insurance, hospitalization days, number of additional diagnoses and material proportion have significant correlations with the response variable, i.e. total hospitalization costs of the senile cataract patients. In the robust multivariate regression analysis, the type of insurance is significantly associated with the hospitalization costs. Fixing other variables, the hospitalization costs of patients with UEBMI insurance were 7.6% higher than those with URRBMI insurance. Generalized additive model (GAM) can express the nonlinear relationship between explanatory variables and response variable. Because of the nonlinear part of the GAM, the interpretation and description of the model can provide more knowledge than the linear models. In the GAM model, the type of insurance is also significantly related to the total costs. According to the regression effects of reimbursement ratio, number of surgeries, type of medical insurance, hospitalization days, number of additional diagnoses and material proportion on total costs, the paper aims to provide some references for promoting the reform of the local medical system and improving the eye health status and quality of life of middle-aged and elderly groups.
Abstract: Chengdu is one of the earliest pilot cities for urban-rural basic medical insurance integration in China. This study aimed to analyze the influencing factors of hospitalization costs of senile cataract in a tertiary hospital in Chengdu by robust method, especially considering the influence of medical insurance type. A total of 1310 discharged patie...
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